
კავკასია -Kafkasya - Qafqaz - Կովկաս - قفقاز

Немецкие фашисты - мы никогда не забудем и не простит никогда 1941-1945
Deutsche Faschisten - wir werden nie vergessen und nie vergeben ! Niemals !

Смерть на Кавказе март 1943 г. (видно во время глубокой медитации за 3 сеанса)
Карма - 78 лет назад: Моя смерть на Кавказе - март 1943 года - Возрождение в 1948 году в семье немецкого вермахта (Кригсмарине, Люфтваффе, Хеер)

for more info click here - Russian & German Heritage - Personal Life - Childhood - Youth in Germany - Russian Homecoming

Tsar Nicolas II 1868-1917 - Russian Empire

Tsar Nicolas II 1868-1917 - Russian Empire

Last Tsar of the Russian Empire

Pres. Vladimir Putin

The House of Romanov[b] (also transcribed Romanoff; Russian: Рома́новы, tr. Románovy, IPA: [rɐˈmanəvɨ]) was the reigning imperial house of Russia from 1613 to 1917. They achieved prominence after the Tsarina, Anastasia Romanova, was married to the First Tsar of Russia, Ivan the Terrible.
The house became boyars (the highest rank in russian nobility) of the Grand Duchy of Moscow and later of the Tsardom of Russia under the reigning Rurik dynasty, which became extinct upon the death of Tsar Feodor I in 1598. The Time of Troubles, caused by the resulting succession crisis, saw several pretenders and imposters (False Dmitris) fight for the crown during the Polish–Muscovite War of 1605-1618. On 21 February 1613, a Zemsky Sobor elected Michael Romanov as Tsar of Russia, establishing the Romanovs as Russia's second reigning dynasty. Michael's grandson Peter I, who established the Russian Empire in 1721, transformed the country into a great power through a series of wars and reforms. The direct male line of the Romanovs ended when Empress Elizabeth of Russia died in 1762, thus the House of Holstein-Gottorp (a cadet branch of the German House of Oldenburg that reigned in Denmark) ascended to the throne in the person of Peter III.[1] Officially known as members of the House of Romanov, descendants after Elizabeth are sometimes referred to as "Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov". The abdication of Emperor Nicholas II on 15 March [O.S. 2 March] 1917 as a result of the February Revolution ended 304 years of Romanov rule and led to the establishing of the Russian Republic under the Russian Provisional Government in the lead-up to the Russian Civil War of 1917-1922. In 1918 Bolshevik officials executed the ex-Emperor and his family. Of the House of Romanov's 65 members, 47 survivors went into exile abroad.

Don Cossacks

    3 Meditations : 1943 - 1917 - 1894 beloved Homeland
3 Размышления: 1943 - 1917 - 1894 любимая Родина

Вот пуля просвистела - Now the bullet whizzed

Death in the Caucasus March 1943 - Russian & German Heritage - Personal Life - Childhood - Youth in Germany - Russian Homecoming

Fuer Miriam,in Gedenken an die sechs Millionen Juden und der 27 Millionen Bürger der Sowjet-Union /Russen und noch so vieler mehr ! alle im Naziwahn ermordet und geschändet !

The Beast has been defeated and thrown in the Dust

Operation Edelweiss - 1942-1943

Wehrmacht Cossacks as Nazi Volunteers
They fought on the wrong side whereas we fought against the Nazi Invasion and paid a heavy price.,

Hans - Stuka Pilot - Shot down in 1943 (Illustration Photo - not related)

Und mir gabt ihr seinen Namen - HANS, der Stuka Pilot der gnadenlos seine Bombenlast auf alles abwurf ! Ihr habt mir diesen Makel angelastet um Seiner zu gedenken - ein Schandfleck wie dieses verdammte Nazi-Deutschland !

Deutscher Rueckzug 1942-1943

Deutsche Faschisten - wir werden nie vergessen und nie vergeben - Niemals!

Немецкие фашисты - мы никогда не забудем и не простит никогда

22.Juni - Volkstrauertag und Heldengedenktag

22. Juni 1941 -um 4 Uhr morgens überfiel die Deutsche Nazi Wehrmacht die Sowjetunion

Der Tod im Kaukasus März 1943 Karma - vor 78 Jahren : Mein Tod im Kaukasus - März 1943 - Wiedergeburt 1948 in eine Deutsche Wehrmachts Familie (Kriegsmarine, Luftwaffe,Heer)

" Ich liege mit meinen Kameraden im Hinterhalt auf der Lauer, und sehe die Wehrmacht Kolonne schemenhaft und noch ziemlich weit entfernt auf der schmalen Bergstraße mir entgegenkommend. Ich bin aufgeregt, wir müssen die Kolonne stoppen und vernichten. Sie kommen näher, eine Ohnmacht diese Moerderwalze zu stoppen überkommt mich. Plötzlich die Kugel die mich trifft, ich sinke und sinke in ein furchtbares rotes Nichts, ich sehe eine Gestalt beugt sich über mich. Sie trägt eine Sonnenbrille und ist kaum erkennbar, mein Lebenslicht erlischt - mein Gott ich sterbe !

Wie ich so sinke in dieser furchtbaren roten Energie so verzweifelt und hilflos, ich bin wie gelähmt, nehme nur dieses furchtbare Geschehen war, doch dann geschieht etwas so unerwartetes - ich fühle mich emporgehoben umgeben von einem gleißenden hellem Licht umrahmt von blauem Licht, es nimmt zu ! ich bin jetzt ganz ruhig ... nun verwandelt sich das gleißende weisse Licht in ein wunderbares Blau, nicht nur die Ränder wie vorher, sondern ein totales Blau umgibt mich. "

DAD - 1944 (1919-1984)
Kriegsmarine - Vorposten Nordsee

left a broken home (16)- joined merchant navy and drafted due war - Kind when sober but violent when drunk -supported his family but womanizer - aconstant struggle

MOM - 1944 (1915-1990)
In Loving Memory

war widow -victim of domestic violence- my brother (10) and me (6) were too little, helpless,frightened to protect mom & her daughter (16)

KLAUS-PETER - 1944 (1944-1987)

1963 -BGS Bundesgrenzschutz vs East German Border Guards - Brothers fighting Brothers -cold,unhappy marriage -ended his life at age 42

Early Years 1952

Tsar Nicolas II - 1868-1917

Zarenreich Russland-Ukraine-Polen
Der Deutsche Soldat Gustav Pahl (26, aus Lottin,Kreis Neu-Stettin,Hinter-Pommern) heiratet 1917 die 22jaehrige Polin Franziska Krzyminski aus Stanislawo (heute Stanislawowo,Polen) Vater : Florian Krzyminski -Ukraine-Polen - Mutter: Valerie Vishnevskaya - Russland

Ende des ersten Weltkrieges -Das Paar zieht ins nahegelegene Neudorf (Klein Kunterstein) um ** Kinder:Hans (1918),Paul Bruno (1919 - mein Vater)

Übersiedlung nach Hamburg-Jenfeld - weitere Kinder - Rueckkehr nach Stanislawo 1938,1944/45 auf der Flucht vor der Roten Armee - zurück nach Hamburg

Graudenz - West-Preussen

Franziska with Traude - The kindest grandmother - I never received such tender gentle warm love from anyone else

Death in the Caucasus March 1943

(seen while in deep meditation in 3 sessions)

Karma - 78 years ago: My death in the Caucasus - March 1943 - Rebirth in 1948 into a German Wehrmacht family (Kriegsmarine, Luftwaffe, Heer)

"I'm lying in wait, in ambush and see the Wehrmacht column shadowy and still pretty far away on the narrow mountain road. I am excited, we have to stop the column and destroy it, they come closer, a powerlessness to stop this killer roller comes over me,

Suddenly the bullet that hits me, I sink and sink into a terrible red Nothing, I see a figure bending over me, wearing sunglasses and is barely recognizable, my life light is fading - oh my god I'm dying!

As I sink so desperately and helplessly in this terrible red energy, I am so overwhelmed with horror by this terrible death event which just has happened, but then something so unexpected follows - I feel uplifted, surrounded by a gleaming bright light framed by dark blue light, it overtakes and I am calm now ... now the gleaming white light turns into a wonderful blue, not only the rims as before, but a total blue surrounds me. Calm and Peace now overcome me "

გარდაცვალება კავკასიაში 1943 წლის მარტი. კარმა - 78 წლის წინ: ჩემი გარდაცვალება კავკასიაში - 1943 წლის მარტი - აღორძინება 1948 წელს გერმანელ ვერმახტის ოჯახში (Kriegsmarine, Luftwaffe, Heer) ”ჩასაფრებული ვარ ჩემს თანამებრძოლებთან ჩასაფრებულში და ვხედავ, რომ ვერმახტის სვეტი დაჩრდილულია და ჯერ კიდევ საკმაოდ შორს არის იმ ვიწრო მთის გზაზე, რომლისკენაც მივდივარ. მოულოდნელად ტყვია მიარტყამს, მე დავიხრჩობი და საშინელ წითელ არარსებობაში ვწვები, ვხედავ ფიგურას, რომელიც ჩემკენ იბურტყება, ის სათვალეებს ატარებს და ძლივს ჩანს, ჩემი შუქი გადის - ღმერთო ჩემო, მე ვკვდები! როდესაც მე ასე სასოწარკვეთილებით და უმწეოდ ვიყავი ჩაეფლო ამ საშინელ წითელ ენერგიაში, მე ასე გამიკვირდა, ვიფიქრე, რომ მხოლოდ ეს საშინელი მოვლენა მოხდა, მაგრამ შემდეგ მოხდა რაღაც ასე მოულოდნელი - მე ვგრძნობ აღფრთოვანებულს, რომელიც გარშემორტყმულია ცისფერი შუქით ჩარჩო შუშხუნა შუქით, რომელიც ამას მოითხოვს ! ახლა მე სრულიად მშვიდი ვარ ... ახლა ცქრიალა თეთრი შუქი იქცევა არაჩვეულებრივ ცისფერ, არა მხოლოდ გარე კიდეებს, როგორც ადრე, არამედ ჩემს ირგვლივ სრულ ცისფერ ფერს. ”

Personal Gallery - Early Childhood - Youth - German Foreign Office 1966


traumatized and confused

roaming on my own

lone "beach comber"
1963 - Klaus-Peter

my Brother - BGS Bundesgrenzschutz

BLSV Uebung

Foreign Office-Bonn


German Embassy TLV

My late Brothers Peter & Wolfgang

at the Office

in Airline Uniform
1995 - Family visits in Germany

with my favorite cousine
Moscow - Berlin -DDR - Jerusalem

2011 - RCC TLV
Russian Studies

Russia Day Reception

2003-2016 Moscow
Russian Homecoming

2016 - Moscow
Defender of the Fatherland - 23.2.