
კავკასია -Kafkasya - Qafqaz - Կովկաս - قفقاز

Немецкие фашисты - мы никогда не забудем и не простит никогда 1941-1945
Deutsche Faschisten - wir werden nie vergessen und nie vergeben ! Niemals !

Смерть на Кавказе март 1943 г. (видно во время глубокой медитации за 3 сеанса)
Карма - 78 лет назад: Моя смерть на Кавказе - март 1943 года - Возрождение в 1948 году в семье немецкого вермахта (Кригсмарине, Люфтваффе, Хеер)

for more info click here - Russian & German Heritage - Personal Life - Childhood - Youth in Germany - Russian Homecoming

Tsar Nicolas II 1868-1917 - Russian Empire

Tsar Nicolas II 1868-1917 - Russian Empire

Last Tsar of the Russian Empire

Pres. Vladimir Putin

The House of Romanov[b] (also transcribed Romanoff; Russian: Рома́новы, tr. Románovy, IPA: [rɐˈmanəvɨ]) was the reigning imperial house of Russia from 1613 to 1917. They achieved prominence after the Tsarina, Anastasia Romanova, was married to the First Tsar of Russia, Ivan the Terrible.
The house became boyars (the highest rank in russian nobility) of the Grand Duchy of Moscow and later of the Tsardom of Russia under the reigning Rurik dynasty, which became extinct upon the death of Tsar Feodor I in 1598. The Time of Troubles, caused by the resulting succession crisis, saw several pretenders and imposters (False Dmitris) fight for the crown during the Polish–Muscovite War of 1605-1618. On 21 February 1613, a Zemsky Sobor elected Michael Romanov as Tsar of Russia, establishing the Romanovs as Russia's second reigning dynasty. Michael's grandson Peter I, who established the Russian Empire in 1721, transformed the country into a great power through a series of wars and reforms. The direct male line of the Romanovs ended when Empress Elizabeth of Russia died in 1762, thus the House of Holstein-Gottorp (a cadet branch of the German House of Oldenburg that reigned in Denmark) ascended to the throne in the person of Peter III.[1] Officially known as members of the House of Romanov, descendants after Elizabeth are sometimes referred to as "Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov". The abdication of Emperor Nicholas II on 15 March [O.S. 2 March] 1917 as a result of the February Revolution ended 304 years of Romanov rule and led to the establishing of the Russian Republic under the Russian Provisional Government in the lead-up to the Russian Civil War of 1917-1922. In 1918 Bolshevik officials executed the ex-Emperor and his family. Of the House of Romanov's 65 members, 47 survivors went into exile abroad.

Don Cossacks

    3 Meditations : 1943 - 1917 - 1894 beloved Homeland
3 Размышления: 1943 - 1917 - 1894 любимая Родина

Вот пуля просвистела - Now the bullet whizzed

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Горькая моя Родина-Bitter is my Homeland

О, родина моя любимая - как сердце зовет тебя! Как я скучаю по тебе!
Oh, my beloved homeland - how my heart calls for you ! How much do I miss you !

Государственный Академический Кубанский казачий хор ордена "Дружбы народов"Солистка Наталья Губа Муз А Пахмутова -Н Добронравов author-Александр Лифанов

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

23 February - Defender of the Fatherland Day - День защитника Отечества !

«Ты, Кубань, ты наша Родина»

Гимн Краснодарского края
Слова о. К. Образцова, музыкальная обработка В. Захарченко
Из фильма-концерта Кубанского казачьего хора «Из станицы до столицы» в Государственном Кремлевском Дворце (2013 г)


12 October 2020 - Source: Museums of Russia Internet portal
Marking the 450th anniversary of the beginning of the Don Cossacks' service to the Russian state, the Rostov Regional Local Lore Museum launched the"Cossacks - Defenders of Motherland" exhibition in Kaliningrad. The Kaliningrad Historical and Art Museum features the best and rare exhibits from the museum collection revealing the history of the Don Cossacks, the feats and service of the Cossacks who defended Russia in various wars.

The exhibition presents weapons of both irregular and regular troops of the Russian Imperial Army. There are such items as a cane of the XVII century, flint and capsule guns, sabres, swords and pikes, as well as enemy weapons from Turkey, Poland and France. The exhibit of particular interest is the sabre gifted by Empress Catherine II to Yesaul A. Shurupov in 1785. Some items will remind Kaliningrad residents about the participation of the Don Cossacks in the battles with Napoleon's army: a series of English satirical etchings of the early XIX century devoted to the victory of the Don Cossacks over Napoleon, historical engravings, things that Cossacks brought from Paris, a photograph of the Cossack E. Konkov, a participant in the Battle of Leipzig in 1813.

The exhibition showcases awards (commemorative medals, military insignia for hats), symbols of the ataman power, household items and uniforms of the Don Cossacks of the XIX century and the First World War (1914-1918), personal belongings of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) - Cossacks of the 5th Guards Cavalry Don Cossack Budapest Red Banner Corps.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

«Сердце матери». Музыка и слова - Татьяна Рогозина. Исполняет хор, солистка Виктория Мельничук

Мое сердце болит - я разрыдаюсь - великая печаль и тоска по дому преодолевают мое Существо - My heart cramps - I burst into tears - great sorrow and longing for home overcomes my Being