
კავკასია -Kafkasya - Qafqaz - Կովկաս - قفقاز

Немецкие фашисты - мы никогда не забудем и не простит никогда 1941-1945
Deutsche Faschisten - wir werden nie vergessen und nie vergeben ! Niemals !

Смерть на Кавказе март 1943 г. (видно во время глубокой медитации за 3 сеанса)
Карма - 78 лет назад: Моя смерть на Кавказе - март 1943 года - Возрождение в 1948 году в семье немецкого вермахта (Кригсмарине, Люфтваффе, Хеер)

for more info click here - Russian & German Heritage - Personal Life - Childhood - Youth in Germany - Russian Homecoming

Tsar Nicolas II 1868-1917 - Russian Empire

Tsar Nicolas II 1868-1917 - Russian Empire

Last Tsar of the Russian Empire

Pres. Vladimir Putin

The House of Romanov[b] (also transcribed Romanoff; Russian: Рома́новы, tr. Románovy, IPA: [rɐˈmanəvɨ]) was the reigning imperial house of Russia from 1613 to 1917. They achieved prominence after the Tsarina, Anastasia Romanova, was married to the First Tsar of Russia, Ivan the Terrible.
The house became boyars (the highest rank in russian nobility) of the Grand Duchy of Moscow and later of the Tsardom of Russia under the reigning Rurik dynasty, which became extinct upon the death of Tsar Feodor I in 1598. The Time of Troubles, caused by the resulting succession crisis, saw several pretenders and imposters (False Dmitris) fight for the crown during the Polish–Muscovite War of 1605-1618. On 21 February 1613, a Zemsky Sobor elected Michael Romanov as Tsar of Russia, establishing the Romanovs as Russia's second reigning dynasty. Michael's grandson Peter I, who established the Russian Empire in 1721, transformed the country into a great power through a series of wars and reforms. The direct male line of the Romanovs ended when Empress Elizabeth of Russia died in 1762, thus the House of Holstein-Gottorp (a cadet branch of the German House of Oldenburg that reigned in Denmark) ascended to the throne in the person of Peter III.[1] Officially known as members of the House of Romanov, descendants after Elizabeth are sometimes referred to as "Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov". The abdication of Emperor Nicholas II on 15 March [O.S. 2 March] 1917 as a result of the February Revolution ended 304 years of Romanov rule and led to the establishing of the Russian Republic under the Russian Provisional Government in the lead-up to the Russian Civil War of 1917-1922. In 1918 Bolshevik officials executed the ex-Emperor and his family. Of the House of Romanov's 65 members, 47 survivors went into exile abroad.

Don Cossacks

    3 Meditations : 1943 - 1917 - 1894 beloved Homeland
3 Размышления: 1943 - 1917 - 1894 любимая Родина

Quiet flows the Don - Tikhiy Don

Quiet flows the Don - Tikhiy Don - ТИХИЙ ДОН
The novel deals with the life of the Cossacks living in the Don River valley during the early 20th century, starting around 1912, just prior to World War I. The plot revolves around the Melekhov family of Tatarsk, who are descendants of a Cossack who, to the horror of many, took a Turkish captive as a wife during the Crimean War. She is accused of witchcraft by Melekhov's superstitious neighbors, who attempt to kill her but are fought off by her husband. Their descendants, the son and grandsons, who are the protagonists of the story, are therefore often nicknamed "Turks". Nevertheless, they command a high level of respect among people in Tatarsk.

The second eldest son, Grigory Panteleevich Melekhov, is a promising young soldier who falls in love with Aksinia, the wife of Stepan Astakhov, a family friend. Stepan regularly beats her and there is no love between them. Grigory and Aksinia's romance and elopement raise a feud between her husband and his family. The outcome of this romance is the focus of the plot as well as the impending World and Civil Wars which draw the best young Cossack men into what will be two of Russia's bloodiest wars. The action moves to the Austro-Hungarian front, where Grigory ends up saving Stepan's life, but that doesn't end the feud. Grigory, at his father's insistence, takes a wife, Natalya, but still loves Aksinia.

Grigory takes part in the Civil War, changing sides four times (Red to White to Red to White to indifferent). Many of his friends and relatives are killed in action or executed by both the Reds and Whites. Natalya dies after a failed amateur abortion, leaving Grigory with two small children who are eventually cared for by Aksinia. This does not prevent Grigory and Aksinia from trying a final escape alone together, but she is killed by a stray bullet during a fight with Red troops. Grief-stricken, Grigory buries her and returns home, with his prospects unclear.

The book deals not only with the struggles and suffering of the Cossacks but also the landscape itself, which is vividly brought to life. There are also many folk songs referenced throughout the novel.

Вот пуля просвистела - Now the bullet whizzed

Friday, November 29, 2019

Trost und Erleichterung -Trotz Trauer und Abschiedsschmerz - Hinwendung zum Leben

Trost und Erleichterung Trotz Trauer und Abschiedsschmerz Hinwendung zum Leben Unsere Lieben leben weiter in uns und durch uns

Wenn wir einen lieben Menschen durch jenen Übergang verlieren, den wir Tod nennen, so wird das einer Seele keinen Schmerz bereiten, die zur höchsten Einsicht gekommen ist,dass es etwas wie Tod gar nicht gibt, weil wir alle an dem unendlichem Leben nicht bloss vorübergehend, sondern ewig teilhaben.

Das blosse Abfallen des materiellen Leibes berührt das wahre Leben der Seele in keiner Weise. Mit ruhigem Geiste, der Frucht eines hohen Glaubens, vermögen wir es zu erkennen, und den Schwächeren gegenüber auszusprechen:

"Seid klar, Ihr liebevollen Herzen,
trocknet die Tränen ab von allen Euren Augen
was auf der Totenbahre liegt, das ist nicht einer einz'ge Eurer Tränen wert
Es ist nur eine Muschel,der die Perle entrissen ward:
Die Muschel ist nichts wert
Drum lasst sie liegen: Ist uns doch die Perle, die Seele, für die Ewigkeit gerettet..."

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Kuban Cossacks - кубанские казаки


Kuban Cossacks (Russian: кубанские казаки, kubanskiye kаzaki; Ukrainian: кубанські козаки, kubans'ki kozaky), or Kubanians (Russian: кубанцы, kubantsy; Ukrainian: кубанці, kubantsi), are Cossacks who live in the Kuban region of Russia. Most of the Kuban Cossacks are descendants of different major groups of Cossacks who were re-settled to the western Northern Caucasus in the late 18th century (estimated 230,000 to 650,000 initial migrants). The western part of the host (Taman Peninsula and adjoining region to the northeast) was settled by the Black Sea Cossack Host who were originally the Zaporozhian Cossacks of Ukraine, from 1792. The eastern and southeastern part of the host was previously administered by the Khopyour and Kuban regiments of the Caucasus Line Cossack Host and Don Cossacks, who were re-settled from the Don from 1777.

The Kuban Cossack Host (Кубанское казачье войско), the administrative and military unit composed of Kuban Cossacks, formed in 1860 and existed until 1918. During the Russian Civil War, the Kuban Cossacks proclaimed a Kuban People's Republic, and played a key role in the southern theatre of the conflict. The Kuban Cossacks suffered heavy losses during the Holodomor and the subsequent Soviet extermination of Ukrainians and their culture in the Kuban region. Hence, during the Second World War, Cossacks fought both for both the Red Army and against them with the German Wehrmacht. The modern Kuban Cossack Host was re-established in 1990 at the fall of the Soviet Union.


Sunday, November 17, 2019

Endstation Konzentrationslager Auschwitz-Birkenau Hölle auf Erden !

"Jene Deutsche und ehemalige Helfers Helfer, die ihr dies alles nur vergessen wollt und nicht mehr wahrhaben wollt - ihr Holocaust Verleugner in aller Welt und ihr Anti-Semiten - dieses Verbrechen,dieser Holocaust, dieser Wahnsinn der "Endlösung der Judenfrage" wird NIEMALS - NIEMALS vergessen und vergeben sein !!!"
Auf der Wannseekonferenz kamen am 20. Januar 1942 in einer Villa am Großen Wannsee in Berlin fünfzehn hochrangige Vertreter der nationalsozialistischen Reichsregierung und SS-Behörden zusammen, um unter dem Vorsitz des SS-Obergruppenführers Reinhard Heydrich in seiner Funktion als Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD den begonnenen Holocaust an den Juden im Detail zu organisieren und die Zusammenarbeit der beteiligten Instanzen zu koordinieren.
Auftrag Hermann Görings an Reinhard Heydrich vom 31. Juli 1941
Ein Dokument der Wannseekonferenz; hier die vorbereitete Liste der jüdischen Bevölkerung in Europa. Entgegen verbreiteter Meinung war es nicht Hauptzweck der Konferenz, den Holocaust zu beschließen – diese Entscheidung war mit den seit dem Angriff auf die Sowjetunion (22. Juni 1941) stattfindenden Massenmorden in vom Deutschen Reich besetzten Gebieten faktisch schon gefallen –, sondern in den Grundzügen die Deportation der gesamten jüdischen Bevölkerung Europas zur Vernichtung in den Osten zu organisieren und die erforderliche Koordination sicherzustellen.[1] Die Teilnehmer legten den zeitlichen Ablauf für die weiteren Massentötungen fest, grenzten die dafür vorgesehenen Opfergruppen genauer ein und einigten sich auf eine Zusammenarbeit unter der Leitung des Reichssicherheitshauptamts (RSHA), das Heydrich führte.
Dies war das Hauptanliegen Heydrichs, den der Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring am 31. Juli 1941 mit der Gesamtorganisation der „Endlösung der Judenfrage“ beauftragt hatte. Daraufhin hatte Heydrich im Dezember 1941 zu der streng geheimen Konferenz eingeladen, an der Staatssekretäre aus verschiedenen Reichsministerien und dem Generalgouvernement, ein Ministerialdirektor der Reichskanzlei sowie leitende Beamte der Sicherheitspolizei (SiPo), des Sicherheitsdienstes (SD) und der Parteikanzlei teilnahmen. Protokollant war der SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann, Heydrichs Referent für „Judenangelegenheiten“.

78 Jahre danach - Weihnachten 1942 - 2020

Ringsendung des "Großdeutschen" Rundfunks

Und die SS Henker sangen : " Stille Nacht - Heilige Nacht " blut besudelten Händen ! Weihnachten 1942 in der Hölle der KZs und an den Fronten - SATANISCHE ENTWEIHUNG NACHT !

Grabgesang auch fuer 200,000 Deutsche Soldaten im Kessel von Stalingrad !
And the SS executioners sang: "Silent Night - Holy Night" ... with bloodstained hands... Christmas 1942 in the hell of the concentration camps - SATANIC DESECRATION NIGHT!
Also grave vocals for 200.000 German soldiers trapped around Stalingrad!

Горькая моя Родина-Bitter is my Homeland

Я становлюсь очень эмоциональным, у мое сердце колотится, и я неудержимо плачу .. моя родина ...
I get very emotional, my heart cramps and I cry uncontrollably .. my homeland ...

Государственный Академический Кубанский казачий хор ордена "Дружбы народов"Солистка Наталья Губа Муз А Пахмутова -Н Добронравов author-Александр Лифанов

«Ты, Кубань, ты наша Родина»

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Nazi Biest has been defeated ! Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow

Polina Gagarina - The Cuckoo (OST Battle for Sevastopol)

Ostfront 1941-1945 - Deutsche Faschisten und Kollaborateure- wir werden nie vergessen und nie vergeben - Niemals! - Немецкие фашисты - мы никогда не забудем и не простит никогда - Никогда!

Jene Deutschen,und deren ehemalige Helfers Helfer, die das alles vergessen wollen - NIEMALS KANN DIES VERGESSEN UND VERGEBEN WERDEN - NIEMALS !!!

Historical Background:Bai-Yar - Ukraine

Im Zentrum stehen fünf Fotografien, die die Ermordung von etwa 1500 jüdischen Kindern, Frauen und Männern am 14. Oktober 1942 im ostpolnischen Mizocz (heute Ukraine) zeigen. Dokumentiert werden die Schritte der Vernichtung jüdischer Gemeinden und das Zusammenspiel von SS, Wehrmacht, deutschen Polizeieinheiten und einheimischen Helfern vor Ort.

Zwischen 1941 und 1944 erschossen deutsche Mordkommandos in der Sowjetunion über zwei Millionen Juden, 30.000 Roma und 17.000 Patienten psychischer Anstalten. An die grausamen Massenerschießungen erinnert jetzt eine neue Sonderausstellung in Prora. Die Dokumentation beschreibt anhand historischer Dokumente und erschütternder Fotografien die Entwicklung des Massenmordes und die Aufarbeitung der Verbrechen nach 1945. Erstmals präsentiert wird eine Karte mit den Orten der Massenerschießungen.

Немецких фашистов и коллаборационистов мы никогда не забудем и никогда не простим! НИКОГДА
German Fascists and Collaborators we will never forget and never forgive ! NEVER

Monday, October 28, 2019

2nd Meditation - WW I - 1917 - Russian Civil War - Tzar Army against Red Army

I am in deep meditation - I see from afar my village in the mountains and a great longing overcomes me and I start crying bitter tears out aloud - homeland - my homeland !
Don Cossacks Brothers fighting Brothers - I am wounded in battle and sink to the ground with a sabre wound to my head ... while in meditation I suddenly feel a terrible head pain - I start screaming in agony - I am dying ? slowly losing consciousness

the session is interrupted and while holding my head I explain what just had happened to me ....

I knew nothing about these events prior to the meditation - now I start looking for historical clues and come across the Russian TV Series Tikhiy Don and suddenly I see scenes similar to what I had experienced during meditation :

Der unbekannte Krieg 12 Der Kaukasus

Monday, June 3, 2019

KUBAN - Кубань - कुबन क्षेत्र

Kuban (Russian: Кубань; Adyghe: Пшызэ; Ukrainian: Кубань) is a geographic region of Southern Russia surrounding the Kuban River, on the Black Sea between the Don Steppe, the Volga Delta and the Caucasus, and separated from the Crimean Peninsula to the west by the Kerch Strait. Krasnodar Krai is often referred to as "Kuban", both officially and unofficially, although the term is not exclusive to the krai and accommodates the republics of Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia, and parts of Stavropol Krai.

Cossack settlement The settlement of Kuban and of the adjacent Black Sea region occurred gradually for over a century, and was heavily influenced by the outcomes of the conflicts between Russia and Turkey.[1] In the mid-18th century, the area was predominantly settled by the mountainous Adyghe tribes.[1] After the Russo-Turkish War of 1768–1774, the population of the area started to show more pro-Russian tendencies.[1]

In order to stop Turkish ambitions to use Kuban region to facilitate the return of the Crimea, Russia started to establish a network of fortifications along the Kuban River in the 1770s.[1] After the Russian annexation of the Crimea, right-bank Kuban, and Taman in 1783, the Kuban River became the border of the Russian Empire.[1] New fortresses were built on the Kuban in the 1780s–1790s.[1] Until the 1790s, these fortresses and the abandoned Cossack settlements on the Laba River and in Taman remained the only indication of Russian presence in the area.[1] More intensive settlement started in 1792–1794, when Black Sea Cossack Host and Don Cossacks were re-settled to this area by the Russian government in order to strengthen the southern borders.[1]

In the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th centuries, the right bank of the Kuban River was settled.[1] At the same time, first settlements appear on the coast of the Black Sea and on the plain between the Kuban and Bolshaya Laba Rivers.[1] During the second half of the 19th century, the settlement rate intensified, and the territory was administratively organized into Kuban Oblast and Black Sea Okrug (which later became Black Sea Governorate).[1]

The location of the territory along the border had a significant effect on its administrative division, which incorporated the elements of civil and military governments.


Sunday, June 2, 2019

The Battle of Russia

Downfall - German Surrender in Berlin

Немецкие солдаты! Никогда больше не нарушайте российские границы без разрешения и с применением силы оружия! Больше никогда !

Lasst es euch niemals wieder geluesten die Russischen Grenzen unbefugt und in Kriegsabsicht zu ueberschreiten !

Deutsche Faschisten - wir werden nie vergessen und nie vergeben - Niemals!

Немецкие фашисты - мы никогда не забудем и не простит никогда - Никогда!

Lyudmila Pavlichenko - Battle for Sevastopol [English]